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Valentines Day Table Centerpiece

How to make a Valentines Day Table Center Piece
Each year our church, Elm Grove Community Church, puts on a wonderful marriage conference. I love how our congregation is wise enough to invest into the marriages in our community. Every year, I'm in charge of the Caesar Salad and some of the decorating. I usually dress the tables for the amazing food we serve before the conference. If you've never been......attending just for the food would make it worth your trip. You don't have to attend our church to attend the yearly conference. This year, we had around eighty attend the conference and it was a great time.

Here's my ticket:
How to make a Valentines Day Table Center Piece

Our  menu this year:

Valentines 2018 Dinner

Filet Mignon 8 oz.
Baked Potatoes (Loaded!)
Caesar Salad
Tossed Salad
Mushroom with Onions and Garlic
Hot Rolls
Angel Food Strawberry Shortcake
Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Table Centerpiece for Love Day: What You'll Need

Glass Vase (Dollar Tree or Dollar Store Kind)
Burlap and Lace Wrap
Heart Beads
Floral Arrangement
Good Friends to Help you Put them Together (Optional, but more fun with friends)

How to make a Valentines Day Table Center Piece
Hot glue the burlap around the vase and put your heart shaped beads in the bottom. The bowls to the side are candy dishes I glued some heart shaped beads on. A cute way to serve candy on Love Day.

Our floral arrangement included: Daisies, Carnations, Fern and Leather. My friends and I arranged them at Forever Yours Florist in Seiling, OK. What a fun time together. Here is the finished center piece. It sat on a square black cloth with a mirror in the center of our dinner tables. I just love pretty things. 
How to make a Valentines Day Table Center Piece

The Queen Bee Says, "Love is our true destiny."



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