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Homemade Noodles for Chicken Noodle Soup

How to make homemade noodles for chicken noodle soup

You will Never Buy Another Can of Soup

Once you've tasted a from scratch, homemade noodle, you'll never want to buy a bag of noodles from the store again. This is the first part, of a three part series, on homemade chicken noodle soup and the same can be said about the finished product. Once you've tasted homemade chicken noodle soup, you will never buy another can of it at the market. Did I mention, they are easy to make?

The Beautiful Women I Make Noodles with

Noodle making is kind of a big deal in my part of the world. It's not uncommon to find a mother and daughter in the kitchen rolling and cutting noodles for the winter months ahead. I'm blessed because I get to make mine with a very special group of women, my church family. For as long as anyone can remember, the women at my church have put together a yearly fundraiser. You can come and purchase all kinds of wonderful goodies, including these to die for homemade noodles. The women spend months preparing crafts and homemade goods to support our church ministries. I believe the love and laughter shared while noodle making, is what makes them taste so wonderful.

From Scratch Homemade Noodles

What you'll need:
3 Cups Flour - 2 1/4 for mixing and 1/4 for rolling them out 
2 teaspoons Salt
4 large eggs

In a mixing bowl fitted with a paddle attachment, add 2 1/4 cups flour and 2 teaspoons of salt. Mix together on a low speed.

Add 4 large eggs to flour mixture and mix on low speed, until flour mixture and eggs come together and form a ball. 
How to make homemeade noodles

Dump onto floured surface and knead about six times. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and let rest for two to four hours.

Roll the dough out thin and let dry for about an hour on a dry cloth.

Cut dough into the width you'd like with a pizza cutter. 
How to make homemade noodles
Place cut noodles on cloth and let dry over night. (I cover mine with a cloth.) You can use them the next day or place them in Ziploc bags and freeze for future use. 

The Queen Bee Says: "Keep your words sweet; you never know when you may have to eat them."


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